And then I rounded out my haul with some pink flannels (for my nieces) and some dino jammy fleece (for my nephews). Now this was a major fabric haul for me.
Yep, I turned more than a few heads and probably offended a few fellow sewers who were so unlucky as to be looking for cottons after I got there first. The really exciting bit is that I bought approximately 26m of fabric for just over $20. Not bad. (PS. If you click on any of the above photos you will get to see the fabrics enlarged). Oh, I did look through for some yarn since it was on sale, but there wasn't anything to tempt me. Of course that may be because I'd already filled up on fabric...
Oh my!!! And you didn't phone me??? Remember that I made an emergency call to you at the last 50% off fabric sale...actually it doesn't matter cuz it does look like you got all the good stuff. Good for you, can't wait to see what you make. WHat is that fabric in the second pic on the far right side, the one that kind of looks like wallpaper border - I mean that in a good way. That is so pretty, I bet you have something in mind already. You are finding some great quilting fabrics. No white poly on sale? Does this mean no jumpsuit? I have sequins already.
I'm glad my days of fabricaholism (!) are over as I would be VERY envious of that haul! Have fun with those fabrics.
My bad, Heather. Yes you did phone me when they last had the fabric sale. I did think of you, but to be honest, once I went through there wasn't anything left (just ask the ladies who tried to find cottons after me...). Yep, I already have ideas for several of the finds I brought home.
Heather, the fabric you pointed out is a cotton and I'm playing with a couple of ideas for it. Will show you what I come up with.
Very nice Katherine! I can't wait until I finish my projects and can be on the hunt for more fabrics to get creative with. Then you will have a little friendly competetion ;o)
Is Heather making a white jumpsuit for S?? Guess the pleather days are over...
Hey S would make a good Elvis - he can definitely do sideburns!! I would need a lot of fabric to cover his 6 ft 3in frame though.
And it doesn't sound like there is any fabric left at Sally Ann now.
You are inspiring me to start sewing again Katherine. Of course, you're also inspiring me to spend more money at the thrift store, and I may need more than my 30 minute a week time allotment!
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