Sunday, 3 June 2007

More in the garden.....

It really is hard to keep up with enjoying all the things that are in bloom right now. My iris are almost all done, I have a few purple ones left that are still blooming in the backyard, the ones in the front have all been wiped out by this heat we are having.

Here is the lavender that will be used for soap, the plants in the back aren't in full bloom yet so I will save those for lavender bottles.

Some sea thrift.

I am just thrilled with the solar food dryer, dill was done in a few hours yesterday. Today I am drying lovage, more chamomile and I am even trying a few bananas.

* Spider warning - if you don't like to see spiders quit scrolling down now.

Katherine - these are the babies that we found, would appreciate if J will let us know what kind they are.


Katherine said...

J says your spiderlings are orb weavers. When they're grown the colours will change.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I want one, I want one! You lucky thing!