Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Oh my!!

Poor fella, that's gotta hurt.
Are you all surprised that I've not yet eaten the whole thing???


Anonymous said...

At least the poor little guy can't hear you chewing on the rest of his sweet delectable body.....
Heather, is that maybe why we always eat the ears first?

Let me know if he was tasty! I was going to pick one up but it was $5.99!!!! At first I thought it said .59 cents but quickly put him back when I realized my mistake! If there's any left when I visit at the end of March, give me a call, I don't mind paws!

Samantha's momma

Heather said...

Crikey, $5.99???? I hope that my Easter bunny didn't pay that for them. Eeep!! And, I am pretty sure that there won't be any left by the end of March...but don't forget... Amanthasay ashay ocolatechay!!! Otslay!!!

Mary-Sue said...

have you been ill? ONE bite of DARK chocolate? or is it becausae you're supplementing your habit with dips into your RV choc?
if you need some help, let me know okay? i'm pretty good at such jobs... just ask my kids! they put something yummy aside and look at me with a wicked grin and say "DON'T YOU EAT IT ON ME, MUMMY!" hee hee

Louise said...

I always feel so awful for biting the head off a chocolate bunny, silly really! x

Samantha said...

I'll bet it's all gone by now, right Heather :-)