Thursday 10 April 2008

Blackberries? You planted blackberries?

Yes, yes, as a former West coaster I'm sure that I should be embarrassed to admit it, but it is true, I did plant blackberries. Where I grew up we spent years fighting a never-ending fight against blackberries trying to take over our property. We used to whack away at them and I am pretty sure that I remember my dad running them over with a ride-on lawnmower at times. But...I love them, and my sons do too. So we must have them, and what better way than to plant thornless ones in our own garden.So with the space freed up from the blueberry rescue, I decided to put the more resilient blackberries in. We will see if they can prevail over the dogs.

1 comment:

Nicola said...

We planted blackberries last year - we love them and are very envious of how they grow in such profusion on the coast.