Thursday 18 September 2008

I never promised you a rose garden

I love this song.

I'm sure my taste in music must come from many happy family trips when I was little, we would listen to eight tracks playing this kind of music as we drove. Anyway, whenever I am out in my rose garden this song comes to mind so I thought I would share it with you along with some pictures of the roses that are in bloom right now.

This rose I love for the slight blush of pink on the edges of the petals.


Anonymous said...

Love the song. Did you check out the dancers though? Were they dancing to a different song? Some of them made me chuckle.
Anyways, I miss my roses. When we moved we didn't plant any at this house because we had to use so many chemicals to keep them healthy we figured our kids would start growing extra legs & arms if we kept it up. I could never find any natural products that would work for white fly, etc. Yours look beautiful though. It's too bad we can't have a scratch & sniff option on the blog though...
Enjoy this beautiful late summer weather.
Rebecca :)

Tina Leavy said...

absolutely gorgeous roses! would like to invite you to join in "The Great Blog Land Seed Exchange"

Mary-Sue said...

Wow, Heather! those are just SO beautiful. i need me some more roses in my life!! is this the time of year to plant them?
i feel like i can smell yours! but i guess it's just the sweetpeas next to me that i'm smelling. mmmmmm

Mary-Sue said...
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Heather said...

Hello Rebecca

You know, I don't do a thing for my roses (other than some mulch the last two years) and they seem to be mostly OK. ( I find it hard to find time to give to non-food plants) Sometimes they get some black spots on the leaves, a few times we have had powdery mildew early in the season but they seem to make out all right anyway. I was actually just feeling a bit sorry for them a few weeks ago because they get so little attention and they really do deserve some so we started giving them the leftovers from my nettle tea. And this year I really will put some mulch over the base of each one to protect them from the winter's cold...really, I will.
Good to hear from you.