Monday 16 July 2007

Beans, camping and chocolate.

E found some beans on our plants yesterday. Looks like they are ready just in time...for us to be gone. Aah well, something for us to look forward to when we get back.
The tomatoes are really starting to grow, it will likely still be 3 weeks to a month before we get to start sampling them. I had to do some work on our fruit trees this morning and noticed that this plum tree is really loaded with fruit this year.

I am always in search of easy camping food. I don't like having to keep buying ice for the cooler so I try to think of things that don't need to be kept cold. My preference would be not to have to cook anything this trip either (it's just the boys and I, not S, so we can just snack throughout the day) so I am packing easy things. I decided to make some veggie pockets for the trip there. These ones are filled with a lentil filling which guessed it...zucchini! We can use them for the first night's dinner too. I'm thinking some tortillas, cans of chili, loads of fruit and chocolate, granola, trail mix, chocolate, salsa and tortilla chips, potatoes and chocolate should see us through. Oh and we want to have bananas filled with chocolate cooked in the fire too. Keeping up a good intake of chocolate is extremely important for hiking at high altitudes.

1 comment:

sulu-design said...

Oooh - camping and chocolate... two wonderful things! Enjoy them both.