Tuesday 25 September 2007

Winding down.

My garden is slowing down, frost is looming. This is a mixed-up time of year for me when I feel sort of Jekyll and Hyde-ish towards my garden. I am sad that it is almost done for the year, I will miss the abundance and beauty of it, but at the same time, dang! will I be glad when all the work is done. Sunday I finally canned some tomatoes instead of freezing them.Yesterday I picked this to make into dinner.Dinner was pie.Dessert was more pie.*only a few more weeks of plum harvesting so we've got to eat a lot of plum pies to get our fill

This is how my garden is looking now. We are collecting seeds for next year and flowers for dyes. We are enjoying our last few weeks of garden time and ignoring any weeds with the smug knowledge that they will soon be frozen and dead. (wha ha ha ha you nasty weeds)


Nicola said...

Aaah, pies, they are so good. A few weeks of plum harvesting left? Mine are all gone. Didn't have that many on the trees this year.

Sheree said...

It must be such a great feeling to grow so much of what you eat! I hope when we move back to the States we can have a huge veggie and flower garden. :)

Both those pies look YUMMY!! You all are eating well. :)

Bella Modiste said...

wow what a beautiful garden! weeds are such a pain...especially here in Florida, though since it north florida we do get freezes that kill most of the yucky weeds off...However...that durn Torpedo grass( a grass that spreads underground through runners and through the air by seed, typical to coastal gardens) can stay dormant underground through the winter...haha...yay...not..:p
~The Bella Modiste~
P.S. love y'alls blog! way cool...