Friday 4 January 2008


Just in case you're getting that itch to be out in the garden...
this book should tide you over until you can begin to start your seeds indoors. What a wonderful book, full of all kinds of gardening information and stories, and inspiring quotes too.

“In the end we will conserve only what we love; We will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we have been taught.” -Baba Dioum


Nicola said...

No, I definitely don't have any wish to be out in the garden. I like this time of year! No mowing, no weeding.

Thriving said...

Isn't it time for seed catalogues to start appearing in the mail, eh, eh, eh? :-)

Mary-Sue said...

A dear friend gave me this book for my birthday a couple years ago and I LOVE it. It's so calming and inspiring. I'm DEFINITELY having fun dreaming about this year's gardening, but so happy to be doing so cozied up beside the fire not having to do much of any such thing!