Tuesday 18 March 2008

What a scent.

I do love flowers, but I have an especial love for scented flowers. Right now I am quite enjoying the surprisingly strong scent that these tiny flowers can send out. I have loads of these, and they are tenacious little things. It was only a few years ago that my neighbour gave me some and they are busily spreading all over. (even into the "lawn" - all part of an evil plan to get rid of the grass. Shhhh, don't tell my husband) Love them. My Hyacinth will be up next, and there is nothing to compare to that smell. One of my neighbours comes over every year just to smell them. :-) Apple blossoms, Lilacs, roses, Lavender...ahh an olfactory overload of the best kind. (as opposed to the dog, cat, smelly boy feet thing we usually have going on round here)


Andrea said...

And you know you can eat them, too, right? Have you tasted those? They're delicous! I have pink and white ones, too.

Thriving said...

Can I come and get some, I want them to take over my grass too...

Louise said...

Some lovely purple violets, I shall have some on my blog towards the end of the week. x

sheila said...

Gasp! My heart almost stopped when I saw this picture. Check my blog entry for the 18th and you'll see why!

So what ARE these things? I called them toothed violets. I agree, they ARE tenacious. I love them.

Heather said...

Well Roy, I was going to say that you could certainly come and get some, but now I've read how your wife plans to treat flowers with the mower and I'm not so sure that my violets would feel very safe at your place. :-)

Heather said...

Yes, Andrea, we have eaten them. E is in training to be the next Euell Gibbons , so it is my job to make sure I inform him of any plant that is considered edible - whether it tastes good or not. Are the pink and white ones edible?